Original Argan Oil – Liquid Gold

Argan oil or arkan as it is correctly pronounced in his only producing country on the back of the bag, Morocco, is an oil extracted from the almonds of the fruit of the argan and which God has singled out – The Almighty – many of the benefits that we will try to display part of in this article

pure argan oil from yanboo3
Pure Argan Oil Yanboo3

Types of argan oil

The food purpose must first roast the fruit, then extract the oil. As for cosmetic, the fruit is squeezed directly, and it gives a golden color, so it is called liquid gold.

Edible Argan Oil is orange in color
As for the cosmetic, it is golden in color

Benefits for the body

It gives many benefits to health, but we stress once again that edible oil is different from cosmetic, so be careful when buying

Reduces cholesterol

Helps digestion

Fighting cancer

Cosmetic Benefits

Delays the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

It is useful in cleaning the skin from the effects and scars of acne and gives

smoothness and lusterVery useful for white lines and cracks

Nourishes hair and scalp, eliminates dandruff, and gives hair a shiny, shiny and silky texturet also helps prevent and treat pregnancy lines on the skin of the abdomen

. restores the youthfulness and vitality of the skin in general in just a few days of use.

stimulates the vital functions of the skin cells.

repairs the cutaneous barrier.Nourishes hair, softens and protects it from damage.It strengthens the nails and restores them.

Unfortunately, many companies that sell oil mixed with other oils have spread as being the original argan, and it is packaged and sold at cheap prices to encourage the buyer, and they are not interested in anything but profit.

Try a nourishing hair mask with argan oil and make it yourself

Two tablespoons of argan oil with 3 tablespoons of shea butter and stir well until uniformity If the shea butter is in a solid state that cannot be stirred with it, give it a minute in the microwave, then start mixing well and add drops of any oil perfume you prefer. Start by spreading the mask over your hair and use a thermal bonnet to ensure that the scalp is absorbing it Then wash it and get shiny hair

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